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Create a reference to an HTML element, along with a handful of helper functions for modifying that element.

const { ref, setText, setAttribute, setStyle, ...more } = useElement();


setStyle function

Set a CSS style on the element.

const { setStyle } = useElement();

useRender(() => {
setStyle('background-color', 'hotpink');


  • key: string : The CSS property to set.
  • value: CSSStyleValue | string | number : The CSS property value.

setBaseStyles function

Set commonly used styles, including position, rotation, size, and opacity.

const { setBaseStyles } = useElement();

const pos = useProperty([50, 100]);
const size = useProperty([200, 200]);
const angle = useProperty(45);

useRender(() => {
setBaseStyles({ pos, size, angle });


  • options : An object consisting of the following optional properties:
    • pos : Property<Position> : The absolute position of the element.
    • size : Property<Size> : The width and height of the element.
    • angle : Property<number> : The angle of rotation, in degrees.
    • flip : Property<boolean> : Flag indicating whether the element is flipped horizontally.

setText function

Sets the text content (inner HTML) of the element.

const { setText } = useElement();

const score = useProperty(props.score);

useRender(() => {
setText(`Score: ${score.current}`);

setAttribute function

Sets an attribute on the element.

setData function

Set a data attribute (data-?) on the element.